Watershed Management Specialist
Cleveland Metroparks
The Watershed Management Specialist 3 is a mid-level, experienced field worker variable position that assists and/or provides leadership to Natural Resources Division and Park Maintenance staff in day-to-day or project related management, i.e., maintenance and restoration, or research and monitoring of watershed related initiatives in Cleveland Metroparks and Northeastern Ohio. Watershed Management Specialist 3 variable uses relevant work and/or educational experience and is given medium-level responsibility for projects and tasks.
Works independently and as a team to survey streams, conduct watershed research, monitor water quality, host watershed volunteer events, and maintain green stormwater infrastructure (e.g. rain gardens, bioretention cells, green roof, native plant beds) at Cleveland Metroparks, areas adjacent to the Park District and partner project locations. Reports to Stream Restoration Ecologist at the Watershed Stewardship Center in West Creek Reservation. Position will work at reservations throughout Cleveland Metroparks. In addition to the general job requirements, the watershed management specialist must be able to use hand tools such as loppers, pruning shears, and forestry brushcutters.
Candidates will typically have some relevant coursework, little to modest field experience, but must have an aptitude and interest in learning and implementing the job.
This is a variable position that allows working up to 1,000 hours in a year.
Wage: $17.50 per hour. Housing may be available at $75/month rent; renter’s insurance required.
Duties may include:
- Geomorphic stream assessment using various methods (Bank Erosion Hazard Indes, cross-section and longitudinal survey, stream feature inventory, pebble counts
- Inventoring and assessing culverts for fish passage and maintenance needs
- Monitoring and inspecting stormwater control measures to identify maintenance needed
- Controlling undesirable vegetation and installing native plant material
- Downloading and maintaining water level recorders, flow meters, water quality sondes and other monitoring instruments
- Leading volunteers in the abovementioned tasks
- Developing reports and/or model utilizing the abovementioned data
- Participating in training sessions regarding wildlife management, plant id, invasive plant removal techniques, hand tool safety, maintenance of stormwater control measures.
- Communicates well and continually updates co-workers and supervisor of progress and problems
- Responsible attitude, work ethic and initiative
- Genuine interest to learn all aspects of watershed management
- Ability to work along or as part of a crew
- Ability to lift and carry 50 pounds
- Must be available to work some weekends and evenings
- Available to work 30-40 hours per week
How to apply
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